XCOPYRIGHT (c) 1996/98LOOKER HOUSE & TRSIX___All graphics, music, and articles are copyright to their respective creators, excluding code which is copyright to Vladislav Komkov and Alexander Soloview.___This diskmagazine may not, whole or in parts be reproduced, translated or reduced to any other form of media except that of computer data storage system without a written permission from Looker House & TRSI.
Small extracts are allowed for the use of review purposes only. It is forbidden to remove, alter or change any files in Insomnia.___Insomnia is freeware, thus meaning cover-disks, CD-ROMs, and PD-services can freely distribute it as long as the costs involved are not higher than that to cover the price of distribution and printing of the computer data storage system in question.___Looker House & TRSI will although give special permission to selected companies for profitable distribution.